How to maximize payouts in slots

How to maximize your slot payouts

The first question every slot machine player thinks about is, “How do I win?” Demand is growing with experienced players giving it little thought. They wonder, “I may not always be able to win, but how can I maximize payback time?

Slot machines are a game of chance. With rare exception, there’s no skill involved and no gameplay to make them pay more than they have to.

With that in mind, maximizing slot payouts comes down to choosing a game and making the necessary bets to get the most out of what they have to offer.

This type of machine is called buy-pay. Every coin you bet unlocks a series of symbols. If you bet just one coin and place three 7-seconds in a row, you won’t win the jackpot, but you won’t get anything either. It’s just the wrong way.

On such a machine you maximize your payout by betting the maximum in such a way that you should not play if you don’t want to make the maximum bet.

Other examples where reading glasses or help menus can save you the grief:

Many video slots with progressive jackpots, especially those with two, three, four or more progressive jackpots, require that you place separate bets to qualify for the jackpot.

Sometimes the button panel contains separate buttons covering all paylines, plus the option to qualify the jackpot. Often it’s big and round and oval, to stand out between the little square buttons for the usual choices of how many paylines to play and how many coins to bet per line.

payouts in online slots

The amount needed to qualify for the jackpot varies from machine to machine. It’s not uncommon to see 10, 15 or 20 credit bets towards the jackpot. In a game with a 10 credit jackpot bet, if you cover 20 paylines against 1 credit per line and place a jackpot bet, your total bet is 30 credits.

If you bet five credits per line, you are betting 100 credits in the main game and 10 on the jackpot for a total bet of 110 credits.

Progressive jackpots are the main attraction of such games. You maximize your profits by betting the jackpot. If you don’t want to place a jackpot bet, you should choose a different game.

Progressive scouting

Some players try to maximize their winnings by staking machines with progressive jackpots.

To find out, they visit casinos and record starting points for progressive jackpots, trying to find out when they hit. Such cards require regular visits and often require the slot machine to ask, “I see the jackpot was hit recently. How much does it cost? “

Since such players don’t gamble when the jackpot is low, they always play at relatively high paying tables. That maximizes their rate of return.

However, betting when the jackpot is high does not increase your chances of winning the jackpot, it only makes the average payout higher when you do win. As with other methods of maximizing payouts, Rules #1, #2, and #3 are to stay within your bankroll, not risk money you can’t lose, and choose games that fit within your budget.